Sunday 18 August 2013

Complexity of Astrology

Astrology is probably the only science which claims to explain or at least give reasons for everything happening in a persons life. Now that's way too much complex .. isn't it?

One individual's life is so complicated ... events seems to happen in seemingly haphazard and sometimes in a shocking way. From childhood to adulthood to old age to death. Some people sail though life smoothly and many other go through a jig saw puzzle.

Now if just one life is so complex imagine the task Astrology is trying to accomplish. Explaining everyone's life events.

On the face of it, this looks almost impossible task. But Astrology provides us with a basic framework using which we can, to a great degree of reliability, understand our own self and also predict good and bad period or events in our life. I am going to write about this framework and how we can utilize it for improving our lives in coming posts.

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