Sunday 18 August 2013

Complexity of Astrology

Astrology is probably the only science which claims to explain or at least give reasons for everything happening in a persons life. Now that's way too much complex .. isn't it?

One individual's life is so complicated ... events seems to happen in seemingly haphazard and sometimes in a shocking way. From childhood to adulthood to old age to death. Some people sail though life smoothly and many other go through a jig saw puzzle.

Now if just one life is so complex imagine the task Astrology is trying to accomplish. Explaining everyone's life events.

On the face of it, this looks almost impossible task. But Astrology provides us with a basic framework using which we can, to a great degree of reliability, understand our own self and also predict good and bad period or events in our life. I am going to write about this framework and how we can utilize it for improving our lives in coming posts.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Is Astrology for real?

Most rational thinking people believe that astrology is pure superstition and a means of fooling people.

People ask me this many times - "How could you believe in superstitions like this?"

My response to this is quite simple - "Can anyone conclusively prove that Astrology is pure superstition?". The answer is no. No one can prove without doubt (like 1 + 1 = 2) that astrology is pure superstition. Similarly no one can prove with a mathematical precision that astrological assertions are 100% truth, because astrology is predictive system, much like the weather prediction system.

So the only answer which could be rational for anyone who has not studied this subject could be - "I don't know whether astrology is true or not".

This at least bring people to a neutral outlook towards astrology rather than negative one.

Now lets see whethere there is any truth in astrology. Astrology broadly has broad parts 1. Mathematical (Astronomy) 2. Predictive. Astronomical part of astrology is 100% verfiable fact (like the speeds of planets, their relative orbit motions, positions of starts etc.)

The predictive part of astrology is what mainly considered superstition. Again since mathematical precision cannot be used lets see some very simplistic astrological guideline and check whether it applies in real world -

Astrological Assertion - Mars is the planet associated with Aggression and physical power. For every sportman, especially sports requiring more physical power, a strong and well placed mars is virtually a necessity. Following is a list of some of the greatest sports persons of their and corresponding position of their Mars. For the simplicity I am using only the basic astrology principles to find out strength of Mars in these horoscope.  -

1. Sachin Tendulkar (One of the greated Cricket players) - Mars (Very strong exalted Mars)

2. Muhammad Ali (One of the greatest boxers) - (Strong Mars in own sign)

3. Michael Jordon (One of the greated basketball player) - Mars (Strong mars with cancellation of debility ("Neech bhang") - Similar to exalted.

Similarly horoscopes of Pele, Maradona, Steffi Graf shows a strongly placed Mars giving a strong body necessary for sports. This is not to say that everyone who has strong Mars will be a sportsperson but to be a good sportsperson (or for having good vital physique) a strong Mars is required.

Similarly it can be seen very easily that people related with entertainment business have strong influences of Venus and Mercury. People who have been greate mathematicians invariably have a strong Mercury, people who have been known for humanitarian activities are known to have strong Libra sign and so on. This list can be extended further but for now it should be enough to not rubbish astrology just as superstition.

I will share more studies and astrological articles from my knowledge on the blog further.